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The Salty Yak Outdoor Podcast

Sep 30, 2019

Episode 18 Cary and Ryan talk about why someone would pick kayak fishing over other types of fishing, answer some questions about PAC and talk about the up coming trip, discuss "The Evolution of an Angler", Bringing "Sexy Back" and  getting ready for the change is seasons.  

Sep 18, 2019

Episode 17 We talk with Heath Hippel the inventor and owner of Buggs Fishing about he came up with idea for Buggs lures and some hot tips for fishing them!

Sep 11, 2019

Episode 16 We discuss what do to if you get caught in bad weather and how to prevent it, getting ready for the upcoming season changes and how to fish them and we talk about the importance of casting accuracy

Sep 3, 2019

In Episode 15 we talk about a "Texas Slam", fishing into your "golden years" and fishing tournaments to become a better fisherman